“The difference a few simple signs (like Milk, Food and More) made were amazing.
His little face would light up every time I knew what he meant.”
babysigning Mummy, Lorraine.
Babysigning | The Ultimate Parenting Hack?
We think so. Signing helps even very small children to feel capable, connected and confident in communicating what they need. It is almost magical in its simplicity and even very young children have the gross motor skills to make simple signs to tell you what they need, want or love, even though they can’t yet speak.
Did you know that using babysigning could prevent up to 90% of baby tears and toddler tantrums? (It’s true!)
Brilliant Babysigning Bundle | The Perfect Start!
For anyone wanting to learn more about babysigning and give it a go – with our expert* knowledge and support which will take you through our Top Tips, What to Expect, How To’s and Core Competencies.
We know that young children simply adore signing and everyone will love to join in – regardless of age or ability.
(* Little Signers Club was voted Most Outstanding Infant Sign Language Training Consultancy in both 2016 and 2017 and has gone on to win many more awards!)
Step 1: Get Ready to Sign!
Normally only available in our lovely classes, this is your opportunity to get your hands on our expertly crafted but concise introduction booklet to why, what and how to sign with your little one. Be inspired to try signing for yourself as you give your baby, toddler or pre-schooler the tools to help them thrive. Start off gently with these Very First Signs (the ones that you will find you use the most), and, as you become more familiar and confident with your progress, add in signs that have meaning for you and your family.
Step 2: Nursery Rhyme and Sign
Your favourite nursery rhymes to sign along to. Perfect for interactive fun with children of all ages! Gently develop motor skills as you build up your signing vocabulary together. Great for out and about, at home or in settings, Nursery Rhyme and Sign encourages us all to join in and gives everyone an easy way to remember signs.
Did you know? Traditional nursery rhymes helps babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers to develop syntax, cadence and rhythm with speech.
British Sign Language Graphics
Complemented by BSL Sign Graphics from leading Early Years BSL author Cath Smith, you’ll find plenty of signs to keep everyone happy! From basics (that you’ll find so useful for many years to come) to signs that are fun, engaging and help young children to let you know what’s on their mind…

Brilliant Babysigning
Everything you need to explore babysigning
– from dawn to dusk!
‘the look on his face, as he sees we understand, is priceless.’
babysigning Daddy, Nick
Step 1: Get Ready to Sign:
A 24 page A5 booklet and your introduction to babysigning
Top Tips, Benefits, How To’s, What to Expect and Very First Signs.
RRP £3.99
Step 2: Nursery Rhyme and Sign:
A5 Nursery Rhyme booklet with 17 traditional nursery rhymes and songs
17 downloadable MP3 song files
66 unique Sign Language Graphics that sit alongside the song text for easy reference
RRP £12.50
Plus: Lovely Bonuses!
Our gorgeous Sea Dreams meditation download, written with little ones and their grown ups in mind. Take 15 minutes to simply be, breathe and relax.
Tiny Tim MP3 – definitely our most loved song in class EVER! (Bubbles not included).
FREE Second Class postage!
Use code BRILLIANT at the checkout
Total Value: £19.49
“Engaging, interactive, fun and informative.
[baby] signing really has given my boy a voice before he can speak.
And some of the proudest Mummy moments when he learns a new sign!”
babysigning Mummy, Krista.
Seeing is believing! | Alex signing Milk
Little Alex proudly shows us his amazing signing in this short video clip. He was just 6 months when this was recorded, using the sign for Milk.
He brings attention to himself at the same time, by making a little sound. In time this will be replaced by the M M sound and then the word Milk itself. But before he can do this, Alex has let his mummy know what he needs.
Can you believe how calm and content he is? Alex knows that he will be understood – without tears or going through the ‘What’s Up With Baby?’ checklist!

“We have both loved learning sign language, it’s the best thing ever! It has exceeded my expectations and I will definitely do it again if I have another baby. It makes such a difference to both of us. I can’t recommend it highly enough.”
babysigning Mummy Lisa
Join us in exploring the magical world of babysigning for yourself.
But what is babysigning?
Motor skills develop earlier than the ability to speak with meaning. This means that little children are able to make clear gestures months before they are able to speak properly. Gesture is a completely normal part of speech development and when this natural inclination to use your hands is developed, using babysigning, it allows little ones to express their needs clearly and effectively – without tears.
The outcomes? Babies are happier, toddler stress and distress are reduced and pre-schoolers have their emerging language supported. Parents have an incredible shortcut to understanding immediately what is needed by their small person and, as a result, everyone is calmer and more content.
It sounds like an impossible dream. But for us and for thousands of parents that we have the delight of teaching every year, it is the most magical of dreams come true.
How will babysigning help me?
Babysigning prevents upset, tantrums and misunderstandings by a staggering 90%!!
Can you imagine knowing for sure that your baby needed some milk? Or that your toddler was sad because they missed you when you were at work (and so you could provide the very best type of reassurance, specific to their worries?)
Babysigning does that. It gives pre-verbal little ones a big voice in a busy world. It helps you by removing the guesswork so you can understand exactly what your little one needs, wants and provides an incredible window into their world.
When can we start - and who is it for?
Babysigning is for everyone! Families, early years, grannies and grandpa’s, friends and acquaintances. It doesn’t matter if you have used sign language before or not, and although it is used extensively in the deaf community, more and more research is showing just how amazing signing is for everyone.
Who's behind Little Signers Club?
I’ve been running Little Signers Club since 2010 but have been teaching and training all things babysigning since 2005.
Little Signers Club is an incredible collaboration of dedicated people who truly love little people – and who are passionate about the benefits of babysigning.
Between us we run inspirational classes for parents and little ones, write Signed Stories (Our Rhyme and Sign Adventures) train Early Years settings and provide online support for anyone who would like to know more. It’s busy and fun and we’re so glad to have you here.
Can I join a Little Signers Club?
See if we have a Little Signers Club near you.
babysigning | taught by experts ~ delivered with love
“I’ve noticed a massive leap in Iris’ development.
She communicates more easily to tell me what she wants in everyday situations – meaning less frustration for us both. We LOVE signing and singing our favourite songs (and learning new ones).
We love baby sign so much… the whole family now do it too!”
babysigning Mummy, Lizzie.