British Sign Language Books for Schools
inclusive dual-language books
– for whole class learning
Rhyme and Sign; award winning BSL Books for Schools
dual language story books in English, with British Sign Language key words.

Animal ABC

Our Farmyard Friends

At the Bottom of My Garden

Out of My Window

Sept 2024: The Leaves on the Trees
Nearly twenty years of research and experience are behind our multi-award winning BSL Books for Schools.
Our British Sign Language books for schools were created after my eldest daughter (now 18) was diagnosed with Auditory Processing Disorder, at a level that is classed as hearing deaf.
The books ended up being too late for her, but they have gone on to be a much needed and helpful resource for children who are deaf, those learners with auditory processing difficulties*, and any child who loves – or needs – visual learning.
The Rhyme and Sign series of dual language books with British Sign Language was designed as an inclusive resource for all children – because everyone can benefit from learning sign language keywords, regardless of their hearing or verbal ability.
BSL Books for Schools are ideal for Early Years, Reception, Year 1, SEND and EAL.
Each story book has accompanying extension activities that help with fine motor skills and embedding spellings, as well as class display materials.
ASD and Auditory Processing Disorder
Auditory Processing Disorder is co-morbid with ASD / ASC – so much so that Great Ormond Street Hospital will not test a child for APD who has already been diagnosed as Autistic. This means that every school has children attending who will benefit from signing being added to the curriculum.
We Use Makaton
Which means you have the foundations in place for using signs with speech already! Our British Sign Language books for schools help you to add new signing vocabulary and take class learning to the next level. Makaton was derived from BSL, so it’s easy to make the small tweaks necessary to support this official language.
BSL and the Curriculum
British Sign Language (BSL) will be taught as a GCSE in England from September 2025. At the moment, this is a top down approach for the curriculum. However, in order to support the GCSE, it is logical to assume that BSL will be introduced at early stages, in EYFS and primary schools, in the not too distant future.
inside our ‘Rhyme and Sign’ signed story books
Sign Language Glossary
Rhyming Story Line
enabling children to anticipate words and join in with the story, increasing literacy and language ability.
Spot the Difference (not Animal ABC)
Tops Tips
Repeating Verses
helping children to have communication confidence and the capability to join in independently as they become familiar with the story.
The Perfect Primary School Addition!
Children of all ages adore these books and love to join in regardless of communication ability. Our British Sign Language books for schools are ideal for whole class learning in reception, KS1, for SEND and EAL provision and ideal for Pupil Premium activities or speech and language interventions.

We use Makaton - are these books suitable for us?
Yes of course you can! Don’t miss out. It’s brilliant that you already have some foundations to using signs with speech, and our British Sign Language books for schools will help you to learn new signing vocabulary and take your learning to the next level. Children adapt signs extremely quickly, so it really doesn’t matter if you are currently using a gesture communication system (i.e. Makaton) or British Sign Language. When we use keyword signs there is around a 90% compatibility, so there is no reason why you can’t love our Rhyme and Sign Adventures too. If you use a different sign or two from those we have in our books, simply swap them to the signs you already know. Easy! Makaton was derived from British Sign Language in the first place and many of the signs are the same. Our beautiful Rhyme and Sign books use BSL in English language word order, known as Sign Supported English. Of course, we don’t have Makaton symbols in our books, we have Cath’s lovely BSL sign graphics.
What age group are these books for?
Our lovely Rhyme and Sign Adventures have a wide appeal and we’d recommend that our British Sign Language books for schools are used with children from 3 – 7 years. Schools tells us to say that they love them, particularly, for their reception and KS1 children, and that they have been a language bridge for older children, for whom English is an Additional Language, or who have Special Educational Needs. With the push to bring BSL into schools, our Rhyme and Sign Adventures are perfectly placed to introduce simple signs from an early age and will develop with children through pre-school, reception and Key Stage 1.
Do I have to sign when I read these books?
Signing and Cognitive Development
Laughter, smiles and eye contact form the very best part of cognitive development and a platform for peak learning experiences. They fire off all sorts of amazing connections in the brain, establishing strong bonding and attachment foundations. Well loved stories, in conjunction with signing, provides children with the experience of being deeply cared about, snuggled on a special lap with a favourite book. This is our earliest journey into literacy and language; the undivided attention of story time, with a favourite book, confirms to our little ones that they matter.
Signing and Emotional Intelligence
Studies put children, who have learned to use signing alongside speech, as 12 IQ points ahead of their peers at the age of 8. But there is so much more to signing than being more advanced in literacy, communication and language. We’re discovering more and more about the importance of strong attachment in early childhood. Signing helps develop this connection at a deep level and embeds in little children that they are seen, that they matter, that their ‘voice’ is important. Children who have the advantage of clear communication opportunities, where the guesswork of what they want or need simply disappears, are more independent and far less stressed. Independent and happy, signing children are motivated to learn and engage with new activities. Not only that, they develop more confidence, are more resilient and have greater self esteem.