easy colour matching for babies + toddlers
Juliette signing her colours at 18 months!
In this short video you will see gorgeous Juliette signing colours with her Mama.
You can see how excited she is to communicate what she knows and how she is able to make the sign to support her emerging speech.
Juliette’s Mama is doing a great job of echoing the word correctly after Juliette signs it, reinforcing the correct pronunciation which Juliette will be able to do for herself, so soon!
Juliette was 18 months when this video was taken and you’ll clearly see which signs she is really comfortable with.
Look how she corrects herself, right at the very end, when she signs black.
She knows that it’s similar to pink, makes the pink sign first of all and then makes the right sign for black.
This involves colour recognition, gross and fine motor skills, cognition, reasoning and higher level learning.
Baby signing helps her to work things through, make the connections and correct herself without any help, bolstering her self esteem and independence along the way.
To put this into perspective…
Did you know?
Colour matching is supposed to be a skill that develops at around two and a half to three years old.
Little ones who have been shown baby signing can colour match at a far earlier age, supporting the idea that little ones are far more capable and cognitive than we can possibly imagine!
But using baby signing allows little ones to communicate at the level of their understanding – even if their speech hasn’t caught up – and it is utterly amazing.
Colour matching is supposed to be a skill that develops at around two and a half to three years old.
But baby signing shows us that it happens much, much sooner.
baby signing | it’s not just for babies!
People immediately think of the Deaf community when thinking about signing using BSL.
But signing is beautiful – quite literally ‘language in motion’ – and this detailed and expressive way of communicating can be learned by anyone, regardless of age or experience.
Lots of people use signing in their day to day lives and, although we have an emphasis on using signing with babies and toddlers, learning to sign is something that the whole family can enjoy. Older children particularly love the kinaesthetic movement of signing and how the vast majority of signs just make sense; it pleases their sense of rightness and at the same time embeds language learning at a deeper level.
Using our hands to ‘talk’ is empowering for everyone and in any situation; being seen, heard and understood are important tools for building resilience.
Signing gives everyone a feeling of being capable, the confidence to be understood when words fail and a deep feeling of connection.
Parents who attend Little Signers Club classes tell us over and over how much they enjoy signing with us; they feel as though they are learning something valuable too. Who knows when signing might come in handy?
baby signing | taught by experts ~ delivered with love

Shelley - Little Signers Club
Founder | Speaker | Author | Chief Bubble Tester | Mama of 3
Shelley is the founder of Little Signers Club and has been teaching little ones, and their grown ups, how to use sign language for accelerated communication and understanding since 2005.
Kindly regarded as an expert in her field, Shelley regularly contributes to Childcare Expo, has been featured on BBC1, BBC Radio, in Junior Magazine, Gurgle Magazine, and was a contributing author for ToddlerCalm; A Guide to Calmer Toddlers.
She has three children of her own and, when she is not sharing her love of baby signing with the world, can be regularly found toasting marshmallows over a campfire.