by Little Signers Club | October 2023 | British Sign Language (BSL), BSL Vocabulary, Communication, Dual Language Resources, early childhood education, Early Learning, Early Years, Inclusive Education, Language Development, Linguistics, Literacy Tools, Milestones, Parenting, Rhyme and Sign Books, Sign Language Books, sign language resources, Signing, Special Educational Needs (SEND), Toddlers
There are so many benefits of dual language books for children in Early Years and Primary. If you’ve not yet come across our Rhyme + Sign series – dual language picture story books that incorporate both British Sign Language (BSL) keywords,...
by Little Signers Club | May 2022 | Babies, Baby Signing, Baby Signing Techniques, Communication, Early Years, Expert Interview, FAQs, Infant Mental Health, Parenting
Baby SignDevelopmentInfant Mental Health1001 Critical DaysCommunicationBabiesToddlersParenting Little Signers Club Founder, Shelley, explores how baby sign helps your baby, toddler, or two to communicate what they need to feel safe – easily and without tears. Infant...