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From the ‘terrible twos’ to practising No! the toddler years are regarded with some trepidation by everyone.  Our gorgeous babies have turned into cheeky, sticky, toddlers with attitude – in the blink of an eye!

The learning curve of parenting seems to get immeasurably steeper as our little ones quite literally find their feet and assert their independence. 


The toddler years are utterly amazing with the right tools in hand. 

And using simple sign language can remove as much as 90% of the stress and tantrums and misunderstandings that accompany this tricky time.

Get to the heart of deep, loving connection between you and your terrific, funny, lovely, explorative toddler with our new, online, Toddler Toolkit™ – sign topics that are focused specifically on little ones who are on the move and growing up (maybe that little bit) too fast. 

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