award winning baby signing – now online!
communication tools for babies and toddlers
(that really, really, work!)
If you hate seeing your baby in tears, or are desperate to gain clarity over confusion and distress with your toddler, baby signing is for you.
Babies and toddlers can use their hands to ‘talk’ – months before they have their first words.
It’s called baby signing and it means that your little one can tell you what they need or want or what’s hurting or frightening – before they can speak and without tears or tantrums.
The best bit?
You only need your hands to transform the world for your baby.
The second best bit?
You can start right now with Baby Signing Basics – your award winning, connection creating, trust building, toolkit – from the experts at Little Signers Club.
what would your little one tell you, if only they knew how?
Hello, hello!
I’m Shelley. Mama of three. Founder (and Chief Bubble Tester!) here at Little Signers Club.
Being the grown up of young children is sticky and repetitive, tiring exhausting and overwhelming.
I believe it is right up there as one of the hardest challenges we will ever undertake, especially as little children force us to continually reassess who we are and who we wish to be; they ask us, with their very presence, whether we are willing to grow – constantly challenging our boundaries and the status quo.
There is sadness and elation, grief and joy all bound up together as we stick the washing machine on – again – and attempt to answer that all enduring question-without-an-answer; ‘did I get it right today?’
What if I could give you a tool that would remove the guesswork of parenting, resulting in happier babies and Terrific Twos (yes, really, really!)
Would you believe me if I told you that the secret literally lies in your hands and that you, too, could master it with ease?
Uncover the secrets to calm, happy, communicative little ones with baby signing, the Little Signers Club way.
Wish you could understand your baby without little red faces full of tears?
Baby signing.
So, so, SO done with all the toddler tantrums?
Baby signing.
Wished you’d known your baby’s teeth hurt before they screamed and screamed and screamed with pain and you were in a panic, wondering what the neighbours must think?
Baby signing.
Couldn’t figure out what your toddler was scared of and where all that fear based ‘defiance’ came from?
Baby signing.
Wanted to know why your baby was laughing at their toes?
Baby signing.
Yearned for a deep connection with your little one, wondering if you would ever manage to get this parenting malarkey, truly?
Baby signing.
Wished it was all easier, that there were some kind of guidelines and there wasn’t so much guesswork?
Baby signing.
Wondered if your baby was really happy at nursery or the childminder while you were at work?
Baby signing.
That time your little one was, without question, deliberately playing you up … or could it actually be because Daddy is away and your little one misses him?
Baby signing.
Baby signing is, in my opinion, the ultimate, parenting hack that never gets talked about.
It provides connection and reassurance, trust and a deep understanding.
It is not a fad, or another set of meaningless parenting tips, or here today, gone tomorrow. Signing is a skill for life, that many people enjoy learning and it creates real-life connection way, way beyond babyhood.
Baby signing doesn’t require lots of equipment or a designer outfit (although I would recommend bubbles! And cake.)
Baby signing is understated, simple and literally at your fingertips.
Ultimately baby signing simply makes being the grown-up of little people so much easier.
baby signing showcase (because seeing is believing)
Frannie signs Milk
Albert signs More
signing (nappy) Change
baby signing basics™ – what you get
Learning with Little Signers Club is simple, fun – and brilliantly practical.
We’ll start your baby signing journey together; Baby Signing Basics is a gently guided course lasting 12 weeks. Explore 12 baby signing topics, designed to take you easily through your signing day – plus all the tips and support you need for baby signing success!

Get off to the very best start with our useful quick intro! Essential information about how baby signing supports your baby – and how to get the most from our Baby Signing Basics course.
Benefits of Baby Signing | Frequently Asked Questions | What, How and Where to Start | Is Your Baby Ready to Sign? | Infant Mental Health | Top Tips for Successful Signing | What to Expect When You Start

Twelve core baby signing topics that take you through your baby signing day. Complete with an overview, signing printables, checklists, videos and practical parenting tips, each topic gently builds on the last, increasing your knowledge every week.
Very First Signs | Family | Getting Ready | Health | Wellbeing | Weaning | Going Out | Activity | Out + About | Toys| Bathtime | Bedtime

No course would be complete without a supportive and friendly online group!
Grab a cuppa and your favourite biscuits and gain live support from Little Signers Club Founder, Shelley.
Weekly Q& A sessions, observations and gentle guidance through the baby signing topic of the week for a full twelve weeks.

How to sum up 15 years of award winning baby signing knowledge on one page?
Baby Signing Basics™ gives you access to expertise, tips and gentle support from me that you simply can’t get any other way.
BBC 1 | Junior Magazine | Gurgle | Childcare Expo | Mummy’s Gin Fund | Teach Early Years 2018 | Perinatal + Infant Mental Health IHV | Contributor, ToddlerCalm | 5th Annual Babyroom CCU | ICAN Tutor
your gorgeous bonuses!

#1 baby communication development stages

#2 sign along to 18 of our most popular nursery rhymes!

#3 mini-topic! signs for The Hungry Caterpillar

#4 mini-topic! signs for Our Farmyard Friends

#5 mini-topic! signs for Dear Zoo

#6 Know-How: Signing Songs and Stories
We start, together, on Monday 21st October for a full 12 weeks of guided content and support.
Join the Founders Launch of Baby Signing Basics today for
‘At a time when you feel like you’re just failing, and “am I good enough” is a daily question, to learn a new skill and learn it so well that you can teach a tiny baby to communicate before they can talk is such a confidence booster – and makes me so proud every day!’
Who is this course for?
Baby Signing Basics™ is ideal for grown-ups who have little ones between 3 – 20 months (with a little wiggle room!) and it has been designed with this age range in mind.
Over the course of twelve weeks, you’ll be supported to build up signs, that are relevant to your family, incrementally so that you and your baby feel competent and confident with what you are putting into place.
After the guided weeks are over, you will retain full access to Baby Signing Basics™ and be able to increase the signs you use, when your baby makes it clear that they are ready to add some more!
Is Baby Signing Basics™ an Online Class that my baby watches too?
The short answer is no, this isn’t an online version of our classes for babies and their grown ups that you may have attended with Little Signers Club.
We did extensive research with our lovely Little Signers families and they told us that they wanted all the resources – the signs, expertise, nursery rhymes, inspiration, tips and someone to ask questions of – so that they could use it at home, to teach their little ones for themselves.
They also told us that the having someone to guide them through the course would be important, and that having a step by step course would be easier all round.
I’ve really listened to that and this wonderful toolkit of resources and gentle guidance, for you to learn at home and use when the time is right for your baby, is the result.
Which sign language system do you use?
At Little Signers Club we use British Sign Language signs in English word order. This is sometimes called keyword signing or Sign Supported English.
We use British Sign Language because it is the UK’s 4th indigenous language and out of respect for the Deaf community; providing connection and understanding for everyone, breaking down barriers and isolation.
The sign graphics and videos that are included in the course are British Sign Language but the framework – the overview of what is being taught, why we teach what we teach and all the tips and Know-how – are transferable to any sign language system anywhere in the world. Just substitute your own local sign language if you wish.
Please note! This is not an accredited British Sign Language Level’s course and BSL syntax is not used for baby signing.
We use Makaton - can I join in?
Yes of course you can!
Don’t miss out. There is so much insight and knowledge about the very best ways to use sign language with little ones in this course, regardless of the sign language system you use.
At baby signing level the two sign language systems (BSL and Makaton) share around a 90% compatibility so there is no reason why you can’t love Baby Signing Basics™ too. In this course, the signs that I know will be different are More, Cow, Giraffe and All Gone from – perhaps 2% of the signs that we’ll be covering. Of course, we don’t have the Makaton symbols, we just use BSL signs.
Makaton is derived from British Sign Language and so many of the signs are compatible so if you use a different sign or two from those we show you, simply swap them to the signs you already know. Easy!
Can I pay in instalments?
Yes, you can!
We know that spreading the cost helps our families immeasurably.
And so you can purchase Baby Signing Basics (Online) either as a 1 off purchase at £127.00 or 4 instalments of £32.00.
(Please note that digital products are not do not fall within the ‘cooling off’ 7 day period required under UK Law and you will be billed for all 4 instalments).
What is a Founders Launch?
A Founders Launch is the very first time a new course has been launched; it offers exceptional value and support at a never-to-be-repeated price and/or content offer in return for your feedback and testimonials.
At Little Signers Club we provide exceedingly high quality resources and training; you will not be disappointed!
Will baby signing work for us?
As with any new skill, baby signing will need your time and commitment to get the very best out of it.
With your commitment, a sprinkle of Little Signers Club know-how and expertise, you’ll soon be well on your way. And should things not turn out as you expected, there will be plenty of support to get you back on track.
baby signing | taught by experts ~ delivered with love

Winner: Teach Early Years Awards 2018, At the Bottom of My Garden| Most Outstanding Infant Sign Language Training Consultancy 2017; Global Excellence Awards | Bizzie Baby GOLD Award; Our Farmyard Friends, a Rhyme and Sign Adventure | Best Infant Sign Language Training Consultancy – UK; Consultancy Awards 2016 | Finalist, Whats On 4 Little Ones 2016 | Award Nominated, Mum and Working 2016 |Childcare Expo 2016, 2017 | ICAN Licensed Tutors | 5th Annual Babyroom Conference Canterbury Christ Church University | Lead Practitioners; Early Language Development Programme | Member of Neytco | Featured; BBC1, Gurgle Magazine, Junior Magazine, Parent Tribe, The Mother | Contributor; ToddlerCalm, A guide for calmer toddlers | Award Nominated, Whats On 4 Little Ones 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013,2014, 2015 | Official Partner for Hello, The Year of Communication and the Communication Trust | Finalist, The Baby Show for Trade