babysigning classes
delivered with love
‘ I cannot explain to you adequately enough the sheer love I have for teaching these classes and how uplifting they are. Helping small children to have the ability to inform you of their needs and preferences is an incredible feeling – one I know that is shared by parents who use babysigning everywhere’

You’ll feel at home in our Little Signers Club classes.
And at peace with understanding your little one’s needs.
Signing together in a safe, supportive group gives you space to really connect with your little one.
Relaxed, informal and heaps of fun, Little Signers Clubs are the perfect way for small people and their grown ups to socialise. Connect with new friends and share the wonder – and worry – of your parenting journey.
A happy, comfy, cosy, nurturing space awaits you – where you and little ones will feel at ease being supported by our friendly, welcoming Leaders – whilst we all learn together at classes delivered with love.
Classes are a gentle mix of signs, songs, rhymes, stories and communication tips.
Our sessions are underpinned by over a decade of research, include activities that are fun but that have a serious communication support goal and everything – songs, signs, bubbles and more! – is easily transferred to use at home.
Little Signers Club classes harness visual and verbal learning to create an exciting, accessible and dynamic experience for small people and their grown ups alike.
We have always been endorsed by experts.
for many, Little Signers Club becomes a favourite time of the week.
What should you expect?
Little Signers Club classes are truly unique in their structure and ability to adapt to the changing needs of a group.
Small people and their needs take no heed of our schedules; we also know that a new environment might be unsettling at first. You are always welcome to support your little one however you need to during class – feeding, pacing, changing, rocking, sleeping or supporting those first wobbly steps that need to be practiced right now!
A gentle rhythm underpins all of our baby and toddler signing sessions; this provides little ones with a structure that they can anticipate and feel comfortable to join in with.
We know that older babies and toddlers need to move around – and that they will engage with the class, taking it in, no matter how inattentive they may seem to you at the time.
Signs are really easy to learn – but don’t feel overwhelmed about trying to remember everything! Our Leaders are always on hand to help and you’ll soon learn the signs that you need for your family.
Babysigning is not a competition. It is a beautiful, gentle way to engage with your little one. Signing leads to respectful, responsive interactions between adults and children – where children know they matter and that their communication attempts are recognised and important.
Our focus is on signing and communication, bonding and attachment, responsive and respectful care, life skills and core competencies.

‘As a Speech and Language Therapist I totally support the work that you do. I recommend Little Signers Club because they are well trained, with excellent programmes and well thought-out class structures’
Libby Hill, Consultant Speech and Language Therapist

safe and supportive, fun and friends…