by Little Signers Club | May 2022 | Babies, Baby Signing, Baby Signing Techniques, Communication, Early Years, Expert Interview, FAQs, Infant Mental Health, Parenting
Baby SignDevelopmentInfant Mental Health1001 Critical DaysCommunicationBabiesToddlersParenting Little Signers Club Founder, Shelley, explores how baby sign helps your baby, toddler, or two to communicate what they need to feel safe – easily and without tears. Infant...
by Little Signers Club | April 2021 | Baby Signing, Communication, Early Years, Parenting, Signing
Potty Training Tips | Why does my toddler hide to poop? Why do our toddlers like to hide when they poop? Little Signers Club Founder, Shelley, explores the connection between hiding, respectful care and why here at Little Signers Club we don’t sign...
by Little Signers Club | February 2020 | Baby Signing, Communication, Early Years, Parenting, Signing, Toddlers
when babies make up their own signs Can babies make up their own signs? Little Signers Club Founder, Shelley, explores how babies learn to use signs autonomously. Today my baby and I took our daily walk. There is nothing unusual in this, but today is definitely not an...
by Little Signers Club | November 2019 | Baby Signing, Communication, Early Years, Parenting, Signing, Toddlers
I love, LOVE Bonfire Night… It conjures up memories of treacle toffee and parkin, jacket potatoes and sausages – and, in our home, planting spent sparklers that magically turn to lollipops in the morning, courtesy of the firework fairies. The sign for...
by Little Signers Club | November 2019 | Baby Signing, Communication, Early Years, Parenting, Signing, Toddlers
Little children are totally reliant on us to take care of them through their first year. Feeding, toileting, sleeping, dressing, a safe and comforting space or place to be; these are all things that are currently outside their control. For most babies, they only have...
by Little Signers Club | November 2019 | Baby Signing, Communication, Early Years, Parenting, Signing, Toddlers
Juliette signing her colours at 18 months! In this short video you will see gorgeous Juliette signing colours with her Mama. You can see how excited she is to communicate what she knows and how she is able to make the sign to support her emerging speech....