by Little Signers Club | October 2023 | British Sign Language (BSL), BSL Vocabulary, Communication, Dual Language Resources, early childhood education, Early Learning, Early Years, Inclusive Education, Language Development, Linguistics, Literacy Tools, Milestones, Parenting, Rhyme and Sign Books, Sign Language Books, sign language resources, Signing, Special Educational Needs (SEND), Toddlers
There are so many benefits of dual language books for children in Early Years and Primary. If you’ve not yet come across our Rhyme + Sign series – dual language picture story books that incorporate both British Sign Language (BSL) keywords,...
by Little Signers Club | June 2023 | Babies, Baby Signing, Baby Signing Basics, Baby Signing Stars, Baby Signing Techniques, British Sign Language (BSL), BSL Vocabulary, Communication, Early Learning, FAQs, Free Baby Signing Tips, Language Development, Linguistics, Literacy Tools, Milestones, Parenting, Signing, Toddlers
Baby signing is so much more than communication and understanding; it paves the way for how babies learn to talk, too. Join me as I walk you through this lovely video clip of Lucas baby signing LOVE – and Daddy and Dog – and my observations on what is...
by Little Signers Club | June 2023 | British Sign Language (BSL), BSL Vocabulary, Communication, early childhood education, Early Learning, Early Years, Inclusive Education, Language Development, Linguistics, Literacy Tools, Parenting, Rhyme and Sign Books, Sign Language Books, sign language resources, Signing, Special Educational Needs (SEND)
If you’re considering introducing sign language into your setting or school, you might be wondering how to get started. These 5 simple strategies, especially for Early Years educators, have been designed to be practical, easily actionable, and allow you to...
by Little Signers Club | June 2023 | Babies, Baby Signing, Baby Signing Basics, Baby Signing Stars, Baby Signing Techniques, British Sign Language (BSL), BSL Vocabulary, Communication, FAQs, Free Baby Signing Tips, Language Development, Linguistics, Parenting, Signing, Toddlers
British Sign Language: Baby Signing More Join me as I walk you through this lovely video clip of Orion, baby signing more, and my observations on what is happening, beyond ‘just’ baby signing. The Power of Baby Signing: Enhancing Communication and...
by Little Signers Club | June 2023 | Babies, Baby Signing, Baby Signing Basics, Baby Signing Stars, Baby Signing Techniques, British Sign Language (BSL), BSL Vocabulary, Communication, FAQs, Free Baby Signing Tips, Language Development, Linguistics, Parenting, Signing, Toddlers
Baby signing isn’t just a simple gesture; it holds the power to transform the way you connect and communicate with your little one. Join me as I walk you through this lovely video clip of Maddie baby signing EAT and my observations on what is happening, beyond...
by Little Signers Club | June 2023 | Babies, Baby Signing, British Sign Language (BSL), Communication, Expert Interview, FAQs, Infant Mental Health, Language Development, Linguistics, Parenting, Signing, Toddlers
Parenthood. A thrilling adventure or a never ending puzzle? Whether it’s trying to work out what your baby needs, to soothing seemingly inconsolable cries, it can feel like a journey filled with challenges. In this blog we’ll explore the unique...